Friday, February 6, 2009

Life is a journey!

I have discovered something recently; and by recently I mean that it has been in the works since last summer when I began a bible study written by Beth Moore. Her study was on the Psalms of Ascent - basically the psalms that talk about the Jews journey to Jerusalem and the spiritual implications therein. In the Psalms the traveling Jews acknowledge that they are living in foreign lands and are waiting for their journey to end so they can be home.
I realized that this life is a journey; it is not the end destination! If this were "it" and this was all I have to look forward to, then the longing for more wouldn't make sense to me. There is more beyond this life here on earth and the journey that we take on this earth has implications that last beyond this day, this time. You see, on the way to Jerusalem if a person fell and broke their ankle it was not instantaneously healed the moment he entered the gates of the holy city. So too the choices we make now will bear their consequences later. The life I am learning to live is called a kingdom living life.
I know this sounds a little freaky, perhaps a little 'woo-hoo' but there is so much to learn about this journey. I have called my blog "Journey to Emmaus" because after the resurrection of Christ two men, followers of Jesus, were travelling to a town called Emmaus and along the way they met a stranger - it was Jesus, but strangely they did not recognize him. As they were sharing their grief over the death of their leader, and their confusion over his death, the Lord began to teach them about how He is the Word of God, cover to cover. When they reached Emmaus they dined with their teacher and when he broke bread they recognized Jesus for who he was - and their life was never the same!
I want to know Jesus, and His word - cover to cover - in such a way that it changes my life and I will never be the same. This is my journey to understanding and intimacy and change. A change that will effect my eternity and my life here and now.

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